Hi, my name is

Sebastian Przyimka.Front End Developer.

I am a front-end software engineer focused on crafting accessible and performant experiences on the web. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for learning, I am always searching for ways to improve the quality of the web for everyone. I specialize in React.js and Currently I am focused on finding opportunities to gain professional experience.

Check My Github

01. About Me

Hello! My name is Sebastian and I'm from Glasgow. I really enjoy creating web and mobile apps and learning new technologies.

I'm a disciplined, ambitious and creative software engineer with various skills. I specialize in React but in the near future i want to become Full Stack Developer and start connecting the dots on the Back-end with Express.

Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:

  • JavaScript
  • Typescript
  • React.js 18+
  • CSS / SASS / TailwindCSS
  • Redux

02. Projects



  • JavaScript
  • React
  • SASS
  • API

A dynamic web application built with React that brings the world of movies to your fingertips. Powered by an external API, CineVerseHub seamlessly fetches and displays real-time data about the latest movies and trending films.


  • ES6+ JavaScript
  • SASS
  • HTML

2048 - great game made in Vanilla Javascript ES6+ and SASS preprocessor.


Creative Tim

  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • SASS

Creative Tim - a beautiful website created around an UX/UI book that I tried to rewrite nearly pixel-perfect. There is some cool JS functionality added as well.


  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • HTML

My first ever website created, this project showcases my passion for diving and web design.
